Thursday, March 23, 2017

Diary of a Mad Post-op Patient

Day 1:
Slept until 9:45.  They said this was normal, what with the anesthesia and all.  Fruit salad and toast for breakfast, then a catnap.  Stepped out onto the patio for a few minutes to get some fresh air.  Bird of some kind chirping in the distance.  What a beautiful day!

Day 2:
Slept until 10:15.  Strange, don’t feel rested at all.  Wanted corn flakes for breakfast, no milk.  Oh well.

Day 3:
Up at 6:05.  So is that damn bird.  Chirping is starting to grate on my nerves.  Started re-reading Edge of Eternity; only got to page 18.

Day 4:
Chatted with the postman for a few minutes.  Real likable guy.  Organized the spices in alphabetical order.  Spent an hour searching for nail clippers.

Day 5:
That Dr. Phil is a hoot.  (Wonder if he’s a real doctor.)  Started playing Candy Crush Soda Saga.  Not really my “cup of tea” (ha ha). Looked for that nice postman again; never showed up.

Day 6:
The bird is particularly annoying today, what with the incessant screechy monotone droning and all.  Searching for BB gun.  Wondering if Dr. Pol is a real doctor.

Day 7:
There are 931,067 recipes for chicken marsala on the internet. Saw the postman coming up the walk and stepped out to say “hi”.  He dropped my mail at his feet and power walked to the next house, glancing nervously over his shoulder.  Strange.

Day 8:
Frantically searching trying to figure out what the hell kind of bird that is.  Still haven’t caught sight of it; the aggravating utterances stop as soon as I step outside.  It’s as if it can read my mind.  This isn’t funny anymore.

Day 9:
Was disheartened to learn the contestants on Price is Right have to meet certain “eligibility” requirements.  Guessing the ACLU would be interested in that little nugget.  Posting anonymous comment on their website.  Someone has to blow the lid off this.

Day 10:
I can’t be the only one who’s picked up on the little subliminal messages in the prescription drug commercials, can I?  The postman has “accidently” forgotten to deliver my mail for the third time this week.  Someone is going to get an ear full, just you wait.

Day 11:
BB gun arrived.  Set up blind on corner of patio.  Operation Bye Bye Birdie has begun.  That bird doesn’t know who he’s messing with.  Also, there are 384 pavestones on the patio, three of which are chipped.

Day 12:
Operation Bye Bye Birdie enters its second day.  Nearly soiled myself when the refrigerator compressor kicked in.  It’s quiet.  Too quiet.  Also, we have a new mail carrier. 

Day 13:
Into fourth hour of Operation Bye Bye Birdie.  Lowered my binoculars for a split second to wipe the sweat from my eyes and hear a demonic squawk and catch a glimpse of some other-worldly beast, it’s wings flapping wildly as it descends, blocking all else from my vision.  Awaken sometime after dark to find I have actually soiled myself.  I. Am. So {sniff}. Afraid.

Day 14:
The hours run together like sidewalk chalk after a midday rain.  Haven’t showered in days.  Only leave the bed to relieve myself.  Mine is a nightmarish world of thoughts which collide and careen off each other before egressing into the void…  wait.  It was a dream.  It was all JUST A DREAM!  HA HA HA!  Except…  why is there a BB gun on my nightstand?