Saturday, August 29, 2009

Things That Really Bug Me: Volume Two

Extra-wide shopping carts:
I gotta believe some guy was strolling down the frozen foods aisle at his local supermarket when the thought occured to him: "You know, what this country needs is an even WIDER shopping cart. It only took me 17 minutes to navigate that obstacle course. I need more of a challenge."

When the waitress doesn't tell you Happy Hour is over:
I'm sorry, but when a beer goes from $2 to $3.75 in the blink of an eye, that first "full-price" baby should come with a flashing neon light or something.

People who let their kids answer their cell phone:
If I wanted to talk to your kid, I'd have called your kid.

Separate shipping and handling charges:
If I'm buying two of the EXACT SAME item, from the EXACT SAME company that will ship from the EXACT SAME warehouse, I am not going to pay separate shipping and handling. Just throw them in the same box, will ya?

Internet posters with the grammar skills of a third grader:
Your or you're? Their or they're? Whose or who's. Nothing says "I'm an uneducated, blathering idiot" like misusing common four and five letter words. Yeah, I know your spell-checker doesn't catch them. Do a little proofreading, huh?

People that try to sing along with the radio when they don't know the lyrics:
You know who you are.

Getting expired coupons in the mail:
It's bad enough that 87% of the mail goes into the trash unopened, but to get something I could actually use, only to find out it expired a week ago Thursday is maddening.

People who use leaf-blowers to clear grass clippings from the sidewalk:
Grab a broom. Chances are, you could use the exercise.

Celebrity endorsements:
Yeah, I'm sure Tony Stewart hits up the Check-N-Go when he's a little short on cash. And Jaclyn Smith wouldn't walk into a Kmart if you had a twelve-gauge shotgun leveled at her spleen.