Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Five Ways to Tell if Your Cat is Cheating on You

If you surf that internet thing at all, you’ve no doubt been subjected to a bazillion articles on how to know if something is happening.  I keep waiting for 10 signs to know if I’m dead or not, or some guide to help me determine if my choice of soft drink bespeaks a deeper dimension of my personality.  Then, there’s the occasional article that really hits home for some of us, like how to determine if your cat – on whom you’ve bestowed immeasurable love and affection – is seeing another human behind your back. 

I know what you’re thinking: My cat would never cheat on me.  Well, take it from someone who knows – not only is your cat capable of cheating on you, he probably already has.  If you don’t feel you can handle the truth, then read no further, for once you’ve identified more than one of the following, there’s just no going back:

5. Slinks in at daybreak smelling of Axe body wash, and you only use Old Spice

4. Gets alerts on his phone from FelineHookup.com                                           

3. You detect Fancy Feast on his breath but he only gets Eukanuba on special occasions

2. Has taken up Zumba

And the #1 way to know if your cat is cheating on you:

1. Changed Facebook status to “it’s complicated”