Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sequels That Didn’t Quite Make It

Well the summer popcorn-selling season is upon us once again, and movie viewers across the country will feast on the obligatory smorgasbord of re-hashed, regurgitated swill that we have come to love and anticipate.  As usual, there will be a heaping helping of re-makes and sequels – since they require substantially less creative juices than original plots -  but you want to avoid these stinkers:

* Slightly Perturbed Max
* Indiana Jones and the Temple of Soft Serve Yogurt
* Star Spats
* Let’s Sit Down and Discuss This Like Two Mature Adults Club
* Frozen Vegetables
* The Lord of the Nose-rings
* As Good As It Gets Except For That One Time I Hit Three Cherries on a Five Dollar Play
* Tuesday the Nineteenth
* Rambo: Needlepoint Night at the Senior Citizen Center
* Cement Mixer Time Machine
* The Fantastic Five or Six
* Pink Dawn
* The Muppets Take Molly
* We Bought a Slaughterhouse
* Twilight: Breaking Wind