Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Country Music Song Lyric Generator

Say what you will about country music.  No, really, go ahead.  I’ll wait.  Okay, that said, some have suggested that country music lyrics are simplistic, interchangeable and predictable; even sophomoric.  You be the judge.  Or, don’t.  I really don’t have a dog in this fight.  In a manner of speaking.

“Sometimes you have to get a little ________ on the tires”
A.      Dirt
B.      Mud
C.      Cow droppings
D.      Buy three, get one free

“You make my heart ________”
A.      Ache
B.      Sing
C.      Soar
D.      Wish it were a less important organ, like maybe the gall bladder or spleen

“Our love is like ________”
A.      Fine wine
B.      A rainbow
C.      The morning dew
D.      Diving into a pit of broken glass

“When I first laid eyes on you, I _____”
A.      Knew you were the one
B.      Counted my blessings
C.      Thought I’d died and gone to heaven
D.      Bought a condom from the dispenser in the restroom

“If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s ______”
A.      Our love will last forever
B.      You’re the only one for me
C.      Our love was meant to be
D.      The Braves will never make it back to the World Series

“When the boys get together on a Friday night _______”
A.      Gonna be some drinking, might be a fight
B.      You know everything’s gonna be alright
C.      Gonna dance with every girl in sight
D.      There will be at least three pickup trucks in a ditch or up against a utility pole before daybreak

Well, there you go.  Play your cards right and you could be the next country music superstar.  And you can bet I’ll be looking for a cut of the royalties.